Intro - sologirl

Submitted on Mar 17, 2014 by  sologirl


square sologirl

Hi, I am 44 years old living in Colorado, and was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 19 way back in 1989. I grew up on the east coast and life was not easy or simple for me as a child.

I am a survivor of several kinds of abuse, for which none of us deserve no matter the excuse given. Most of my childhood and adolescence I lived on the run, or in detention centers, foster care, or state care. Finally when I became an adult, I thought I was free!! No more chains to bind me, no more adults to lock me up because they couldn't understand my running and anger.

The universe, the Gods, Fate....(whichever tune you march to) had decided to bless me with another hurdle...HIV. It makes one serious fork in the road. A hairpin curve to be navigated with the utmost care. Which is what I did. All those lovely childhood lessons have made me a strong, defiant individual. Here I am more than 1/2 my life living with HIV, still navigating the road marked HIV.

Why sologirl wants to be a part of A Girl Like Me:  This is not a disease to fight alone. I would like to share my experiences, learn and grow with my girl peers so that we may all thrive, not just survive!

Submitted by jae001

Welcome, I know you will be a wonderful addition to this wonderful group of women

Submitted by Sologirl

Welcome girlie to th wanderful world of learning to love urself. We are goingto fight this THING called HIV, we are so bigger than it in every way, stop feeling along, we are a thousand n one if we stand together. My email is driop me a line. Let talk am here 24/7. Welcome n salu . Miss Jones

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

welcome solo girl :) I identify with your story a lottttt! add me on fb if you can maria hiv mejia

love and light and again welcome to this wonderful family


Submitted by Sologirl

I can identify with your struggles, mine are very similar. Welcome and I hope to hear more from you.

Submitted by Sologirl

Thank you ladies! It's odd for me to find this kind of support. I appreciate your kindness

Submitted by Sologirl

Welcome!!! So happy you are here. Life is good and you are a survivor! I too was diagnosed many years ago (1988) trudged many hills since that day and am blessed to be here. Life has a way of trying to stop us ....but together we are unstoppable!!! I believe that silence equal death and we are all bridge glad you are building this bridge with me. Be blessed and keep smiling and keep stepping!!!

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