Thank you

Submitted on Mar 29, 2010 by  katie06

I just want to say that I feel so blessed to be a part of this blog.  I have never felt so empowered since my diagnosis.  This opportunity has provided me confidence and pride.

After my diagnosis, I felt that I had lost a part of myself.  But I was wrong; I have certainly grown as a person since my diagnosis.  I owe a lot of that to this amazing experience.  This blog has allowed me to reflect and absorb my true feelings.  It has provided insight into a world that I knew very little about.  I can’t help but feel somewhat at ease knowing that I am not alone.  I have nothing but gratitude, love and respect for all of you!

Submitted by Ashanti

thank you too....! for sharing your story with gives us light in what can appear to be such an awfully dark tunnel....xx

Submitted by Ashanti

Thank you. Reading stories like yours keep me going. I am a mother of four, two teenagers. Sometimes l wish l could just die. Coming here keeps me going.

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