A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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Recent Blog Posts

Nov 22, 2013

This is something that should have started a year and a half ago, but I guess there is no better time like the present. This is my story: I am a 33 year old female born, bread, buttered in...

Nov 15, 2013

I think the last couple of blogs I wrote I started with, "it has been a while since I have written", and I could start this blog the same way. I have been overloaded, overwhelmed, and overstressed. I...

Nov 13, 2013
 - katie06

I did it! I had weight loss surgery just about one week ago. I had the vertical gastric sleeve, which is where they go in and change the size of your stomach from approximately the size of a football...

Oct 28, 2013
 - katie06

I've been away for awhile. Quite honestly, I've been a bit self-absorbed. I've been concentrating on myself...mentally, physically and spiritually. I am preparing for weight loss surgery...I am...

Oct 25, 2013
 - JoDha

“Jyoti, I want to marry you, and this time I am sure of it.” I looked at him, not believing a word. Marry me? An HIV-positive woman? When he couldn’t commit to me for the whole two and half years we...

Oct 22, 2013

After all the trials and storms, always believe that a rainbow will come. Never feel bad for the things you go through, these are the times and things that makes us strong and evolve spiritually. It...

Oct 7, 2013
 - boseolotu

In this part of the world were I come from (Nigeria), our people do not see female circumcision as a big issue that needs to be talked about or to educate people about. It happened that I was called...

Oct 3, 2013

Editor's Note: In 2012, The Well Project was thrilled to help sponsor Caitlin Margaret Kelly's international photography project (then titled, "I am...Women Living with HIV") to be on display at the...

Sep 30, 2013

I know most people know I have HIV...but at the same time they forget I have it, because I do not look sick. HIV has no face...think before you write me please...I have feelings! I have people telling...

Sep 20, 2013

My apologies for taking so long to write but I set myself a project back in August and this was to go one step further with my ‘GrenAIDS’ I created last year. Those were ready-made Toy Grenades which...


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