Voices from Our Allies

A Girl Like Me was created so that women across the gender spectrum living with HIV could have a safe space to share their unique experiences. However, we know that The Well Project community extends far beyond women living with HIV, including allies, family and friends, others who are living with HIV who don’t identify as women, healthcare providers, and more. Voices from our Allies is a page created to hear from our extended community who are interested in posting their experiences as it relates to women and HIV. Click below to read the Voices from our Allies blog entries. If you are interested in blogging with us, fill out an application here.

Voices from our Allies

It's amazing how you can be going hard for your cause, and then all of a sudden you have to stop, regroup, and get refocused! That's exactly what just recently happened to me. Standing tall, strong...

Submitted on Aug 14, 2014

I just want you to know, we truly tried to keep that package from you by intercepting the gift of HIV with education, condoms, and testing. We thought if we kept the stats of transmission, and the...

Submitted on Aug 11, 2014

It bothers me so much that we are so gullible, and just want to believe what comes out of people's mouths. We would rather believe a lie than learn the truth. Here are 5 Myths about HIV/AIDS, and I...

Submitted on Jun 13, 2014

Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued...

Submitted on Apr 8, 2014

Why is it so hard to understand that getting infected with HIV/AIDS is possible and can happen to you? Just because you saved and sanctified and running for your God doesn't exclude you….yes, you! You...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2014

I am so upset about the fact that my friend tested positive 2 months ago, and to date has not seen a doctor! Not to mention the health department leaving a note on their door stating it was urgent to...

Submitted on Mar 10, 2014

So we meet again. I don't know if you remember me; I'm one of those people trying to fight you. I'm the one who tells your secrets, busts your myths, and makes all attempts at stopping you from...

Submitted on Jan 9, 2014

Why am I getting myself all worked up, because you don't want to listen or take advice? Sometimes it really feels like I am talking until I turn blue in my face, and we all know that is something that...

Submitted on Nov 19, 2013

When good people do nothing and nothing blocks anything. And nothing blocks everything. My sister friends get infected. My people die. When good people, protect good people who do nothing and nothing...

Submitted on Oct 18, 2013

What's new, you asked? I know it's been a minute, but I need you to understand that I've been on the grind for HIV/AIDS Awareness hardcore still the same. Simply because so much is going on, but yet...

Submitted on Oct 9, 2013

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