Healing Hope


I started to realize that I wasn't the only person in this situation and that maybe we all lived under very different circumstances, but we all lived in the same situation.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

Me fui dando cuenta que no era la única en esta situación, a lo mejor teníamos diferentes circunstancias con las otras mujeres, pero vivíamos en la misma situación.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

Life gives you chances, and you have to take advantage of them... HIV made me stronger. It empowered me even more.

Submitted on Oct 23, 2023

Sigue luchando, paso a pasito. ¿No puedes hacerlo tú sola? Busca ayuda...

Submitted on Oct 3, 2023

Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.

Submitted on Oct 3, 2023

Hola. Mi nombre es Alessandra Blásquez. Fui diagnosticada en abril del 2004. A mí no me afectó mucho saber que era positiva porque ya sabía que existía medicamento...

Submitted on Jul 11, 2023

Hello. My name is Alessandra Blásquez. I was diagnosed in April of 2004. I wasn't that worried when I learned I was HIV positive because I knew I could be treated.

Submitted on Jul 11, 2023

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Cynthia Díaz y les compartiré mi historia porque quiero que otros sepan que tener VIH no es una sentencia de muerte. Si haces el tratamiento, te espera una larga vida.

Submitted on Feb 13, 2023

Hi! My name is Cynthia Diaz and I'm sharing my story because I want others to know that having HIV is not a death sentence. With treatment, you can live a long life. It's important for people to get tested for HIV early on so they can get treated right away.

Submitted on Feb 13, 2023

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project will be sharing stories from their book "Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace" as...

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023


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