HIV diagnosis


I just turned 51 on April 11, and I'm still here, with all the ups and downs, but fighting like the warrior that I am.

Submitted on Apr 18, 2024

Sentí que me llovían muchísimas cosas encima que eran tan difíciles que podían destruir a una persona. Pero lo superé.

Submitted on Apr 8, 2024

I felt that at one point in my life, there were so many things that were getting tossed at me that were built to just destroy a person. But I got through it.

Submitted on Apr 8, 2024

No tienes que pasar por tener VIH o SIDA solo. Incluso si no los tienes, puedes crear tu propia familia extendida.

Submitted on Feb 28, 2024

You don't have to go through having HIV or AIDS alone. Even if you don't have them, create your own extended family.

Submitted on Feb 28, 2024

I started to realize that I wasn't the only person in this situation and that maybe we all lived under very different circumstances, but we all lived in the same situation.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

Me fui dando cuenta que no era la única en esta situación, a lo mejor teníamos diferentes circunstancias con las otras mujeres, pero vivíamos en la misma situación.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

It doesn't have to be perfect to be just right. If not art, some hobby or venture that allows you to be in a moment that is not tied to HIV, or responsibility to anyone but yourself.

Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

As I approach my 17th year of living with HIV, I can clearly hear God's voice, I'm happy to hear his voice, I realize how much more painful it was not being able to hear it.

Submitted on Jan 4, 2024

My name is Nitanita. I’m California-born and raised, 55 years old, Black, single, and have two adult kids and two grandkids. I'm a professional currently working in field of behavioral/mental health...

Submitted on Nov 20, 2023


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