Louise's blog


I am very proud to be delivering a workshop at AIDS 2024, the International AIDS Conference in Munich, about mindfulness, stress reduction and emotional balance. If you're going to the conference, pop by and say hello.

Submitted on Jul 11, 2024

This garden, created by award-winning designer Matthew Childs, serves as a powerful symbol of the progress made in the fight against HIV since the 1980s.

Submitted on Jun 5, 2024

Discovering my HIV diagnosis was an unexpected turn that reshaped my life's trajectory.

Submitted on Dec 4, 2023

Yoga played a transformative role in helping me come to terms with my HIV diagnosis and regain control of my life. Before embracing yoga, I was a very heavy drinker. In fact I was a functioning...

Submitted on Oct 2, 2023

HIV can teach us many things. Once you find out you have HIV, it will be a lifelong journey of medication. Along with medication, there are other ways we can live well with HIV. I talk to Bridgette...

Submitted on Jul 20, 2023

It took me a while to realise that the judgment I felt came from within. I understand that I can only take responsibility for how I feel and my emotions.

Submitted on Jul 7, 2023

In this chat I talk to Yvonne about HIV medication and the meaning of wellness. When I first got diagnosed, I had to navigate my way around what wellness actually meant. Once I established a routine...

Submitted on Jun 20, 2023

I started Aunty Lou's Hour to: (a) support people living with HIV who feel lonely; and (b) do what I can to reduce stigma associated with HIV.

Submitted on Jun 12, 2023

HIV empowered me - and now I am free. When I first found out I had HIV - I believed my life was over. I come from a catholic upbringing, and even though I no longer practice, those feelings of guilt and shame still lingered.

Submitted on Jun 3, 2023

My parents are from the Caribbean. I was born and brought up in London, UK. I found the love of my life when I was 49 and I am engaged to be married. I have been living with HIV for over 17 years.

Submitted on May 31, 2023


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