Healing Hope's blog

Sentí que me llovían muchísimas cosas encima que eran tan difíciles que podían destruir a una persona. Pero lo superé.

I felt that at one point in my life, there were so many things that were getting tossed at me that were built to just destroy a person. But I got through it.

No tienes que pasar por tener VIH o SIDA solo. Incluso si no los tienes, puedes crear tu propia familia extendida.

You don't have to go through having HIV or AIDS alone. Even if you don't have them, create your own extended family.

I started to realize that I wasn't the only person in this situation and that maybe we all lived under very different circumstances, but we all lived in the same situation.

Me fui dando cuenta que no era la única en esta situación, a lo mejor teníamos diferentes circunstancias con las otras mujeres, pero vivíamos en la misma situación.

Life gives you chances, and you have to take advantage of them... HIV made me stronger. It empowered me even more.

La vida te da chances y hay que aprovecharlas... El VIH me hizo más fuerte y me empoderó más.

Sigue luchando, paso a pasito. ¿No puedes hacerlo tú sola? Busca ayuda...

Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.