A Girl Like Me in the News

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Kim Canady and details of event.

A Girl Like Me LIVE creator/host Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin is joined by community advisory board member and pleasure guru Kim Canady in an interactive, candid conversation about sexual pleasure in the lives of women living with HIV.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Tonia Poteat with logo for A Girl Like Me LIVE.

This interactive discussion explored what contributes to scarce knowledge about women's experiences of living with HIV, how women can get involved in research, and more.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin, Heather O'Connor, and Masonia Traylor, and event details.

Watch this amazing video discussion, co-hosted by three women living with HIV, exploring ways to cope with mental health around the holidays.

The 2022 POZ 100.

This 2022 Poz 100 "spotlights the work of Latino advocates" including several of The Well Project's community members "who are making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS."

Event flyer.

Learn from advocates about how they have initiated conversations about HIV prevention and awareness with youth in their communities, tips for when to begin talking with children, and more.

Flyer for A Girl Like Me LIVE event with headshots of Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Dawn Averitt.

The Well Project founder Dawn Averitt, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1988, discusses her experiences aging with HIV, the importance of self-care, the need for research in women who are aging with HIV, and much more.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Theresa Mack, MD, MPH, along with details for event.

Watch this insightful conversation on the importance of patient-provider relationships for women living with HIV, suggestions for overcoming barriers, and more.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Connie L. Johnson, along with details for event.

Watch this interactive discussion exploring the roots of health inequities faced by Black women and others who are living with HIV, and how they impact daily lives.

Flyer for event.

Watch this discussion between a therapist offering non-judgmental services to individuals across the gender spectrum and a woman living with HIV who has sought mental health care.

Flyer for event with photos of co-hosts.

During the month of May, and beyond, we celebrate the special dynamic of motherhood as it relates to HIV with a heartfelt discussion featuring women living with HIV and their moms.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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Aprenda los conceptos básicos sobre la transmisión del VIH: cómo se propaga y cómo no se propaga, las formas frecuentes de transmisión y cómo evitar adquirir el VIH.

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