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I can honestly say I'm the most respected and hated person in a mile radius. Outreach is my passion since experiencing very traumatic events throughout my diagnosis of being HIV positive.
I thank God because now there are so many places where they support us—people with HIV. The workshops they offer and the tools they provide, give us a chance to lead a normal life.
The tracks leave uncertainty cruelty and shame. The devil lied, it's part of his game. Fear the Lord and find your space. I'm not falling apart I'm falling into place.
I'm constantly educating people. People that should know, don't. They grew up when the HIV epidemic started. So, I share my story because I want to help people. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT HIV.
During the last two and a half years I have been silent, my voice quiet and non existent.... Today I adjust my sail and scream so I can clear my throat and begin to unload all the turbulence I have been navigating alone.
If you struggle with addiction, depression or mental health, please know how important you are and reach out. I shut down, now I need to relearn self love and self esteem.
I felt that at one point in my life, there were so many things that were getting tossed at me that were built to just destroy a person. But I got through it.
I started to realize that I wasn't the only person in this situation and that maybe we all lived under very different circumstances, but we all lived in the same situation.
Life gives you chances, and you have to take advantage of them... HIV made me stronger. It empowered me even more.
Yoga played a transformative role in helping me come to terms with my HIV diagnosis and regain control of my life. Before embracing yoga, I was a very heavy drinker. In fact I was a functioning...
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