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Today My HIV Is Undetectable

Submitted on Jun 20, 2024 by  Angel S.

Today my HIV is undetectable. HIV is only a very small part of me. I know meds work when you take them. During my down time after the accident I went into deep depression. I stopped taking my meds because I was not eating daily, sometimes for days. I didn't realize how quickly I would become detectable. I handled that situation which never should have happened. Today I stand at 1483 again.

I'm glad I didn't harm myself because of nonadherence. I'm working on my mental health as a primary source of returning to my life. Meds work and mental health can blur your responsibility to safe sexual health.

If you struggle with addiction, depression or mental health, please know how important you are and reach out. I shut down, now I need to relearn self love and self esteem.

XO, stay beautiful,

Angel S.

Blogger Angel S. and logo for A Girl Like Me.

Submitted by Red40something

I am so glad you are putting yourself as a priority. As a person living with depression, I understand this struggle all to well. It literally feels like a daily wall to climb and sometimes, climbing feels impossible. Light to you, and if YOU need help, you should reach out too, as you have offered others. I am holding space for you to be well and whole and find your balance! You matter!

Submitted by Marig2016

thank you for sharing. When we learn to love and take care of ourselves life becomes a bit easier. Not to say challenges wont exist but we become a bit stronger mentally. sending you love and congratulations on choosing you, choosing your health <3 

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