HIV healthcare

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As I continue to blog and open up about my story for the first time, I hope to give readers insight into how a former barber from Rancho Cucamonga, CA turned an HIV diagnosis into the biggest blessing of her life.

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Not only do I want these things, I deserve them. So does everyone else living with HIV. Shift the paradigm. Let's talk about pleasure.

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I am Kimberly June Skeete. My pronouns are She/Her. As a Black Trans Woman, I move through the world with unapologetic positivity, authenticity, and queerness. My diagnosis was the catalyst for discovering my strength.

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It's crucial to recognize that HIV doesn't discriminate based on gender identity, yet society often does.

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Gloved hands holding test tubes and using lab equipment.

Learn about lab tests that are important for your health – what they are, what they measure, and how results are used.

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Life for me and how I saw the world changed three years ago in April 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just put my pre-k students on the bus to go home, when I came back to my classroom...

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Friends, this is my "releasing ceremony" for my last (who can say if will be my final) relationship. I hope this inspires others to realize there truly is life after heartbreak...though right at the...

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Waiting, waiting for the test results, what can I say? Will it be high, low? How low can I go? I went in so confidently, no fear, I actually look forward to it, the reaffirmation that I'm doing well...

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