HIV testing

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What is HIV? Get basic information on HIV, its symptoms, how it is spread, how HIV differs from AIDS, and how getting tested for HIV can help.

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Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.

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Hi! My name is Cynthia Diaz and I'm sharing my story because I want others to know that having HIV is not a death sentence. With treatment, you can live a long life. It's important for people to get tested for HIV early on so they can get treated right away.

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As we celebrate this very important Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, I think about how far we have come, but I also think about so many things that remain the same in our communities in the United States and Latin America.

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Hello! I'm Kenya. I'm 28 years old, married, I have three daughters, and yes, I am HIV positive. I was diagnosed four years ago, and I'm still standing, fighting, moving forward, and even with all the stones along my upward path, my tireless feet continue to climb! But it wasn't always like this...

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If you can read this, or let someone read it to you, and you are sexually active – and you don't know your status or the status of your partner(s), you are at risk for HIV. Yes, YOU TOO! Woman, man...

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On Saturday 4 December 2021, I helped Inyambo STARS to organise a local event to celebrate World AIDS Day. This was a day to show their community why they are true talents, showing their fashion...

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A couple of weeks ago, I attended a community town hall meeting hosted by a local AIDS organization via Facebook live.

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Learn the most common myths – and realities – about HIV: treatment, tests, transmission, and more.

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It's been a while since I heard anyone mention HIV or say the words, "I got tested today." What is happening to us as a people? Better yet, what is happening to us as a community? Are we losing our...

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