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For a while, and even today if I am being honest, I have internally beat myself up because I had this image in my head of what advocacy should look like, and I often would compare the work I do, or lack there of, when it comes to how I show up for our HIV Community.
What I learned is that there's no right or wrong way to advocate. We are all great in certain areas for specific reasons and that as a collective, the big and "little" efforts are equally important. As I continue on my journey of being the best version of myself I am reminded that I get to choose; I am responsible for how I show up, and what I've reflected on is that how I show up is enough. How any of us show up is enough.
It's one thing to be living with HIV, another to live out loud with HIV, and another to live out loud with HIV and fight for HIV rights in a way that feels best for us. For me it's just living my authentic life, however that looks and never being ashamed of my status.
So for all of us out here kicking HIV's ass and thriving, know that whatever way you choose to show up for you, for community, IS ENOUGH!
The picture of Advocacy is what you make it, and that's enough 💖 but if you feel a burning desire to do more, step out of your comfort zone and do it. Beautiful things live on the opposite side of comfort and fear.
Since February I have been working with a transformational coach. I dared to step out on faith and joined his speaking and leadership program (which cost more pennies than I had but I had to be bold) because I know my voice is meant to be heard, in ways I am not currently sharing it.
So here I am, on his studio stage, practicing how to tell my story in a way that is both captivating and calls one to action. What a beautiful feeling it is to bet on myself and dare to get uncomfortable. For me this is advocacy. 🥰
You Matter
Your Voice Matters
Amen Sister!
No matter how we show up, where we show up, or who we think we are showing up for, as long as we show up for ourselves, we are advocating! Standing up for ourself as an individual, reflects back to the broader community of women! Love it!
You rock!
You are so inspirational! …
You are so inspirational! you shine xx
The question is what can't Marissa do
Seriously I gave a great deal of love and respect for you. I have always said what a trooper you are and how you do it all and still have the time to check on your sisters. I want you to know that I am proud of you Hermana and you are an amazing advocate!! Periodt
Love and light,
i love this!
i love watching the ways that you engage with all of the communities that you are a part of online and bring it all back together and love that you out here being BOLD! yessss!