Waheedah's intro

Submitted on Nov 19, 2009 by  Shabazzel

Why do I want to submit blogs to The Well Project’s “A Girl Like Me” Blog?

Mainly because I know how alone I felt when I was first diagnosed.  Not only did I feel alone but I felt violated, vulnerable and powerless.  Today I have taken control of my HIV and my destiny through the power I gained from other survivors.  Now I live the life and carry the message that you need not surrender your lives to HIV.  Now my life is full because I have learned the power of being a part of the solution and I learned that from a girl like me.

Submitted by kath

Thank u for sharing apart of u. Hopefully your words will inspire other positive women to be strong and show self determination which will benefit their overall health (physical, social, emotional and spiritual) Take care from a positive women who is about to celebrate her daughter turning 21 years and was first diagnosed pregnant and positive in 1987 and is happy to be here today.

Submitted by kath

i've liked this blog and hope to come in to term with my situation. please continue posting this to strengthen us

Submitted by Shabazzel

I certainly shall continue to post here.  Your comments make all worth my efforts to deliver words of hope and inspiration.  I am inspired just to know there are women like you who speak out, perhaps not in roaring bellows, but you have certainly spoken to my heart and I can hear you loud and clear. Best, Wishes.....


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”                                                                            -Mahatma Gandhi

Waheedah Shabazz-El (215)  878-4145  or  (267) 231-2647

Submitted by Angel S.

You have always been an inspiration to me . Welcome to the well project. Blogging saved my life. .I continue to grow from reading these blogs and writting some of my own. Glad you are here. Angel S.


Submitted by JoDha

Through others, we learn. Through their experience, we feel and understand. And through their journey we come across the decision to which road we take. Hence, thank you for blogging. Thank you for sharing your story. Through stories, we are inspired and motivated.

Love and Light


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