battling stigma


I was invited along to a HIV Support Group this month, a Woman’s group. I was asked along because of the Artwork I create and because of the fact that I am ‘Out’ and ‘Proud’ about who I am and how...

Submitted on Apr 2, 2012

My name is Angela Krebs and I have been HIV+ for almost 21 years. I am 37, married and have 2 children that were planned and are negative. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I was searching for...

Submitted on Mar 20, 2012

I'm proud of Maria Teresa! I love her passion and courage for educating people about HIV/AIDS. I read her blogs and hope someday to be able to come out as well. In the meantime I carry my secret like...

Submitted on Mar 19, 2012

Current global statistics state that an estimated 34 million people globally are living with human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. In the thirty years since the discovery of the...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

  Over the past couple years, The Well Project (TWP) has observed a transformation--one that is too big to ignore. Our web portal and online resources, originally designed and built in 2002 for a US...

Submitted on Mar 9, 2012

Well I received a reply to my email from Senator Campfield, it was disappointing to say the least. My initial email to Senator Campfield was my first attempt at any type of political activism for HIV...

Submitted on Feb 27, 2012

I recently read the below article describing Tennessee Senator Stacey Campfield comments regarding HIV.…...

Submitted on Feb 9, 2012

I have not disclosed to many people. I've told my parents, sister, grandparents, my best friend and of course my co-workers who were around my desk when I received my diagnosis. Writing this blog has...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2012

Today I am remembering one of my biggest inspirations and warriors! Ryan White! He is an angel and someone that has inspired me to fight for injustice! He just wanted to go to school and fought for it...

Submitted on Dec 7, 2011

Tiffany posts a new blog in our "Voices from our Allies" section about World AIDS Day: " In a whisper" I knew I wanted to write something for World AIDS Day but I was actually stuck about what to...

Submitted on Dec 5, 2011


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