Hello, I Have HIV!!!

Submitted on Aug 6, 2012 by  jae001

Washington D.C. last week was amazing. I showed up to the Bed & Breakfast we were staying at not knowing who anyone was. I seriously thought I was the only blogger there. At that point I still didn’t know what someone with HIV looked like. On the way to dinner I leaned over to the person sitting next to me and whispered “how many bloggers are there going to be?” It wasn’t until that night, before I went to bed, I reread everyone’s blogs. I put names with faces. I confessed this at breakfast the next morning. I really felt silly.

The first time working in the A Girl Like Me (AGLM) Booth, I FELT LIBERATED!!! It was okay to talk to people that visited the booth openly about my HIV status. This is CRAZY, I can’t do that!?!… Yes, Yes I can, I was thousands of miles away from my home and I did not have to fear running into anyone I might know. I will never forget my experience.

I had the opportunity to meet people that were just like me. We are living our lives; we have jobs, bills, children, grand-children, the only exception is we are living with HIV.

Attending the symposiums, strolling around the global village, viewing the movie “How to Survive a Plague”, attending a Washington Nationals game, meeting some amazing women...and not one time did I have to hide my HIV status. I learned; not all of us can be the face of Activism, but we can be the voice. We can educate the ignorant. We don’t have to settle for discrimination. We can help those who don’t think they can do it on their own.

Today I went to my local AIDS service organization. I signed up to volunteer in the free clinic. I am going to try to make a difference to others in my community.

Thank You for the opportunity to represent A Girl Like Me at the International AIDS Conference 2012, I will be forever grateful.


Submitted by Robin

Jae.... great blog! It WAS an amazing feeling to be free from the daily fear that surrounds you, not wanting to be "exposed". It had become such a huge part of my everyday life that I didn't even realize what a burden it was until I was at IAC and didn't HAVE to hide my status!! I didn't even realize that all of you bloggers didn't know each other personally prior to IAC... the sense of sisterhood among you all was so deep and infectious!

Submitted by Robin

Good for you for stepping up to the plate!Volunteering is very rewarding.Thanks for your blog keep up the good work!Your certianly not alone in this,keep reaching out! Carol from Canada.

Submitted by Robin

Am so proud of what your doing, Keep up the good work.

Submitted by jae001

I am shocked, I have not received one phone call from our local ASO... I filled out paperrwork to vollunteer. . . NOTHING, huh I am really dissapointed

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