Dikeledi's blog


A lot has happened since the year started. I got new friends or should I say sisters. When my fiance proposed they were the 1st people I told, coz I knew they would celebrate with me. Even if we are...

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They say what does not kill you only makes you stronger. I thought about this phrase and realized that well since HIV has not killed me…I should start looking for strengths it has created within me...

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There is a new drug in town… this drug threatens the survival and safety of HIV+ women. I say women because the dealers and addicts will never pick on a man. The drug is woonga and its main ingredient...

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No peace! (As one of my sisters from 'A girl like me' would say…) whose responsibility is it to stop this virus from spreading? In recent years I have found that the burden lies solely with HIV+...

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I like this space, for 1 reason. I don't have to be strong when I write here, I don't have to hide any shame or fear, I can bring down the walls I cave myself in, even if its just for a while. Right...

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After enduring so much stigma from people who claim to love and want what's best for me... I unconsciously began to stigmatise myself. Which I see now is the worst form of stigma. I forgot who and...

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Should I settle for less coz I have a deadly virus which has unsuccessfully tried to kill me for the past 9yrs, made me a stronger and better woman, taught me to take better care of myself and loved...

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Dear Diva If you have a partner who takes care of you when you get ill, even if it's just by bringing you breakfast in bed, calling during his busy day to check how you are doing, getting you out of...

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You can iron the frown off your face, the heading is just as I intended it to be. My Fiancé gave me the same look when I asked him. Thank God for making him such a bad liar because I got my answer...

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It was supposed to be another date, with another guy, no strings attached (coz it hurts so much), but no, God had his own plans for this date. I went into auto pilot when it was my turn to talk about...

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