Fact Sheets A-Z

Representation of cancer cells.

Get information on cancers that are more common among people living with HIV: Kaposi sarcoma, lymphoma, and cervical, liver, anal, and lung cancers.

Submitted on Jan 2, 2024
Woman opening a jar of legal marijuana (cannabis/weed).

Cannabis has medicinal properties that can benefit people living with HIV, but its legality varies by location. Learn more about laws governing medical and adult-use cannabis in the US.

Submitted on May 3, 2023
Cannabis/marijuana plant and small glass bottle of oil with dropper.

Cannabis has many health benefits, including for people living with HIV. Learn about types of cannabis, its medicinal uses and HIV drug interactions, and ways it can be consumed.

Submitted on Jan 18, 2024
Woman high-fiving a young child.

Get basic information on HIV in children: HIV care and treatment, preventing illness, drug adherence, disclosure of HIV status, and more.

Submitted on Feb 20, 2024

Learn how to recognize and deal with some of the most common gut problems for people living with HIV – diarrhea, nausea, gas, and heartburn.

Submitted on Sep 15, 2023
Shiny red heart wrapped in a stethoscope on ECG readout.

Get basic facts about heart disease – what it is, symptoms of a heart attack, HIV and heart disease, how to reduce your risk factors, and more.

Submitted on May 2, 2024
Illustration of internal organs in torso with liver highlighted.

Learn about your liver's functions, symptoms and tests for liver inflammation, which HIV drugs affect the liver, and how to keep your liver healthy.

Submitted on Feb 20, 2024
3d illustration of chlamydia bacteria.

Learn more about chlamydia, one of the most common – and treatable – sexually transmitted infections.

Submitted on Jan 8, 2024

Injection drug users are at high risk of acquiring HIV and hepatitis. Learn how to reduce your risk, including how to clean drug equipment if you cannot get new sterile syringes.

Submitted on Jan 8, 2024
Close up of medical professional talking to a patient.

Learn about gynecologic concerns experienced by people with a vagina, cervix, uterus, and/or ovaries – including those more common or serious for people living with HIV.

Submitted on May 2, 2024


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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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