Fact Sheets A-Z

Two people sitting next to each other, outside, having a conversation.

Get basic information about how disclosure can affect you, how to prepare to tell others, whom to tell, and relevant legal issues.

Submitted on Mar 16, 2024
Several bowls of different colored medications in rows.

Learn what drug interactions are, how to recognize them, and what types of substances, including street drugs, interact with HIV drugs.

Submitted on Aug 21, 2023
Two people sitting next to each other at table with a binder, a notepad, and a pen.

All people with HIV have a right to tools to help make decisions about economic opportunities. Learn about programs and projects that uphold economic justice for people living with HIV.

Submitted on Jan 9, 2024
Blurry picture of a small circle of women holding raised hands.

Race and gender intersect with many factors in the lives of women with HIV. Learn about the varied impacts on women in different racial groups.

Submitted on Jun 25, 2024

Where are we in finding a cure for HIV, why is it taking so long, and where do women fit in? Learn answers to these questions and more.

Submitted on Jul 13, 2023
3D illustration of fungi, Coccidioides immitis.

Read about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of different fungal infections, including candidiasis, cryptococcus, histoplasmosis, and more.

Submitted on Sep 11, 2023
Pink medication tablet in clear inner packaging.

Learn about many options for getting HIV drugs in the US – private insurers, ACA marketplaces, ADAP, Medicaid, Medicare, and more.

Submitted on Feb 3, 2023
Pregnant belly with hands cradling it.

Get resources for safer conception and information on options for trying to get pregnant with little to no risk of transmitting HIV.

Submitted on Sep 11, 2023
Sexy underwear hanging on a line with clothespins.

Does HIV make it hard for you to feel sexy or be intimate? Get some tips about how to boost your sex-esteem and put the pleasure back in sex!

Submitted on Feb 9, 2023
3D illustration of the bacterium responsible for the sexually transmitted infection Gonorrhea.

Get fast facts about gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted infection.

Submitted on Jan 8, 2024


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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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