As part of our program Women Like Us – Aging Positively, The Well Project is excited to announce a new group on Facebook. This group provides women across the gender spectrum with a space to talk about their journey, share open dialogue, and ask the questions that matter as we age with HIV.
Just needing a ear and a friend
- 18 members
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- 0 topics

I am new to this but have been living with B12 for a little over four years now and it's been a very hard road to recovery. I say B12 instead of HIV because we have not had this talk with our children yet and it just feels better and is my way of coping when ppl are with me and I have to tell the doctor or the er nurse what all of my conditions are.
I also want you to know that sometime's its good to have a person you can talk to and tell them what's going on in your head and your heart somethings are hard for others to understand and some ppl will blame themselves even when you don't. WE ARE HERE, LET US HELP YOU. Listing is one of the best things I can do and advice is my specialty.
United States

Hi all! I'm new to the site and am learning to navigate so bear with me lol, I'm very green here. I am recently diagnosed (April 1st - wow huh?) and am still learning how to cope. One thing I...

Hi Everyone, today im full of anxiety, I changed clinic s as I've moved to another area now this clinic doesn't allow you to Collect your meds at a pharmacy which helps with privacy, with this clinic I have to...

Hi, So I recently gave birth to my first child. I experienced the stigma at every turn with OBs, the hospital I delivered at, and now my pediatrician. It seems difficult to find the support I deserve in Phoenix. I...

hi!! I’m new to the well project community. I’m 30 years old and I just had my second child. I found out I was + during this pregnancy, which was a huge shock. We were totally unaware. I just had...

Hi so I’m new to this I’ve been diagnosed for 8 years and I’ve been struggling with self-love, confidence and being judged by people I let my guard down with.

Hello, I am 30 years old and have had a positive status for 5 years now. I have been undetectable for about that long. It has been a lonely journey. I’ve never sought out support regarding my status before, save...

So very sry my ladies, plz forgive my absents. I am myself once again I am whole there has been lots of loss in my family on both sides, one of my babies turned 18 yay and my health hit...

Hey…. So I’m just wanting an ear I got my test results back and my c4 levels went down and viral load went up a little. I cried but all my dr said was I am still undetected so I’m...

Hello and welcome to anyone who is ready to talk I'm here.