Living Well

Medical Provider and patient hugging.

Thinking about getting pregnant? Find a supportive, affirming US-based healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about HIV, fertility, pregnancy planning, and/or family building.

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People who have lived with HIV for decades are known as HIV long-term survivors. Learn about the unique experiences of those who lived through the epidemic's most brutal, unjust years.

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A couple, smiling, looking at the results of a home pregnancy test.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a man living with HIV and your partner is an HIV-negative woman, this fact sheet can help you understand what might be best for you.

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Woman and health care professional smiling and talking in medical office.

Women living with HIV who acquired the virus early in life may have health challenges similar to older adults – as well as their own unique concerns.

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Woman with her eyes closed, and face to the sun.

We can take steps to feel and live better, but individual responses are not the whole story when it comes to health. Learn more about factors affecting mental and behavioral health for women living with HIV.

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Two people sitting at a desk with binders, textbooks and papers, one looking at papers, one writing.

Today, women living with HIV of all ages are changing their lives with education. Learn about many different types of programs and how to access them.

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Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eggs on a table.

Learn why nutrition is so important to people living with HIV, how it is measured, and several ways to stay healthy by eating smarter.

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Two women stretching at the beach.

Learn about physical activity and exercise – what they are and how much you need to stay healthy. Also get low-tech tips on how to get moving!

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Word cloud including words "unemployment", benefits", "economic security", "wages", "health care".

Find out about the different public benefits that can help you get health care, HIV drugs, housing, food, jobs, and help paying your bills.

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Woman of trans experience using smartphone in beauty salon.

Look here to find information and support for community building, health issues, violence, discrimination, legal barriers, transgender youth, and more.

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Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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