Aging and HIV

People are acquiring HIV at older ages - and living longer, fuller lives with HIV – than ever before. Browse this collection of dynamic resources, powerful personal narratives, and news items by, for, and about women across the gender spectrum who are aging with HIV.


The third in our The Well Project Leadership Exchange series features a discussion between our global ambassador and community advisory board (CAB) member Maria Mejia and our board member Linda Scruggs.

The WRI 2019 meeting broadly addressed issues related to long-term experiences with HIV across the lifespan, including those relevant to older women who are aging with HIV and younger women who acquired HIV perinatally or as young children.

Surviving HIV Over the Long Term: The Past, Present, and the Future (Part 2 of 2) is the 5th webinar in the 2016 WATCH! series.

Surviving HIV Over the Long Term: The Past, Present, and the Future (Part 1 of 2) is the 4th webinar in the 2016 WATCH! series.

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