

Learn about reasonable accommodation in the workplace, your rights by law as a person living with HIV, and how to take care of yourself at work.

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Close up of hands creating shape of heart with people and Trans flags in the background.

Trans women as a group carry a high burden of HIV. Learn about specific vulnerabilities and prevention steps trans women can prioritize to stay HIV free.

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Woman of trans experience using smartphone in beauty salon.

Look here to find information and support for community building, health issues, violence, discrimination, legal barriers, transgender youth, and more.

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Trans symbol hovering above multicolored background.

Learn about trans women living with HIV and the many unique issues they face, including some good news about determined resilience.

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Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.

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When I first saw the light, I quickly learned that parents are not given a manual on "parenting skills", but were walking around with their own past generation's values and behaviors.

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I haven't written in what feels like an eternity; not even sure I've written something that's been publicly shared at all in 2022...

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From day one the odds have never been in my favor a black girl from the rough side of town a black girl growing up before her time a black girl letting the odds win hot tempered doing what i want forget school they don't care about me.

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As an African woman, having a white Dutch husband and mixed kids, I want to share my experience towards Black Lives Matter. In 13 years in the Netherlands, I have come across many facets of...

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Sooo ... While I attended college full time down South, I worked various jobs just trying to scramble enough money to pay my car note and rent. I picked up the skill of being a server pretty early on, so that was pretty consistent, but I needed more money!!!

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