HIV dating

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Not only do I want these things, I deserve them. So does everyone else living with HIV. Shift the paradigm. Let's talk about pleasure.

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Logo for A Girl Like Me LIVE, a program of The Well Project with silhouette of 5 women and 3 stars.

Check out The Well Project's A Girl Like Me LIVE!, an interactive, livestreaming series created to advance health and wellness education among women living with and vulnerable to HIV.

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Two people sitting next to each other, outside, having a conversation.

Get basic information about how disclosure can affect you, how to prepare to tell others, whom to tell, and relevant legal issues.

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Living with HIV, my biggest fear isn't the virus itself; it's the fear of losing control over my own narrative.

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Love has a curious way of defying our expectations and leading us down uncharted paths. My journey with Maximo is a testament to this unpredictability, a story of love, acceptance, and personal growth that challenged my beliefs and ultimately enriched my life.

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I recently had a deep dive regarding U=U with a writer from POZ Magazine and what it means to me as a Latina living with HIV.

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My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.

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Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.

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It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV.

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Since my 2016 diagnosis in Florida, I've always known if I don't disclose my HIV status to a sexual partner I could be criminalized. Essentially it didn't matter because morally I felt that I should tell the person, but at what point do I not get to put myself in a potentially stigmatized or worse situation?

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