HIV empowerment


First, I'm going to start by telling you the story of a young woman who had no strength, no self-confidence and no dignity. The story of this young woman is my own and it's a story I've only ever...

Submitted on: Aug 7, 2015

August 1st will be my 25th anniversary of positively living with HIV! It hasn't always been a positive experience but I can now say I am very happy with my positive status.

Submitted on: Aug 5, 2015

Hello, my name is... Ieshia Scott. There are several dots NOT because I didn't want to use my name but because I was hesitant due to the many people who are NOT prepared for this day. There are many...

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2015

The last couple of weeks I have been weighted down with so much heaviness on my shoulders I didn't know which direction I was headed. Have you ever felt like you just couldn't take life anymore...

Submitted on: Jul 17, 2015

My name is Barbara Kemigisa. I am a single mother living with HIV in Kampala Uganda Africa. I am 29 years old and have passed through different challenges which affect most of our youth today and get...

Submitted on: Jul 13, 2015

I never imagined that I would witness what I have within the past month... My twins' (my preemie firstborns) Senior Prom and their graduation from high school... My 17 year old finished her two years...

Submitted on: Jul 13, 2015

It's been a year since I sang with Joyful Noise, not for want of trying to get to rehearsals or lack of commitment to the choir, just life getting in the way.

Submitted on: Jul 1, 2015

I perfectly recall all that was said by the people around me. My Mother: Promise me that you will never have an operation or have anything cut off…you really must promise me that!! My Father: What would my Mother, your Grandmother, say if she were still alive for God's sake! And to think that you were her special favorite!

Submitted on: Jun 30, 2015

So I'm dating this guy, right? And it was so awesome because I had just come out of an abusive relationship that lasted 2 and a half years. This one however, Adam, I considered my best guy friend for...

Submitted on: Jun 27, 2015

Hi, my name is Tamahra Freshour. I have been living with HIV for almost 12 years now, diagnosed in October of 2003. I have moved on by helping others; I have an HIV support group on Facebook called...

Submitted on: Jun 24, 2015

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