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The question was: Why do I make myself look attractive if I have HIV?

Submitted on Mar 24, 2016 by  MariaHIVMejia

I am Maria Hiv Mejia-Laing. I am here as a living example that HIV/AIDS is not the end! I am here to let you know that we can live with this condition and still be beautiful inside and out! We are not dirty! We are not unclean! We are just human beings living with this condition! WE ARE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS around the world. If you are newly diagnosed I want to tell you that there is hope! That if you take your medications, live a healthy lifestyle, eat well, drink lots of fluids and exercise !!! you will live a long life with this condition. Please do not feel ashamed and feel like you will never find anyone that will love you! YOU are deserving of everything and a person that is educated on this subject will understand that if the proper precautions are taken, HIV will end with you and me! For those folks that don't know, we have a pill called PrEP that prevents HIV! We have condoms, which is a very important tool to use! And for us that are living with the condition of HIV, TASP: Treatment as prevention! Meaning: if I am living with the virus and I take my medication and become undetectable, it is like a 3% chance for me to transmit this condition to my partner! This is even without protection (although I always promote protection). Please get educated and informed!


I will be 43 on April 11 and I am about to have my 28 year anniversary living with the condition of HIV and also 10 years with my loving partner.<3 I wish for a future where we can say... “I have HIV” and not get questioned! Just like when a person says they have Cancer, they get compassion! I wish for a future where we can all come out of the HIV closet and feel free of those chains of living a lie, hiding, self-stigma, shame, feeling dirty! I HOPE WE ARE ALL FREE ONE DAY!

In the meantime I will continue showing this face to humanize this condition everywhere where I am asked to speak around the world.

Love and Light

Maria Mejia


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Submitted by fastdixon85712

Hi I was just diagnosed on March 6th 2016. It was hard at first to believe and accept. I do not hate the person who I got it from. I do however detest the fact that he lied to me about his status and trusted him as well as his father. They both said he was not positive for any std's. I ended up with gonorrhea as well. I see his father a lot because he hangs out with a few of my neighbors. I would like to be involve with advocating awareness as well as try to help prevent others from getting this. I am a single mother of a child who has a stage 4 bone cancer father and now she has a mother with HIV. Her first words it is ok to take my dad but they can't have my mom too. At first I didnt knwio what to do I was scared. I got my appointment and had a 4th generation test done. While waiting for the results the doctor told me that if I would have known within 72 hours the person was positive that there was a possibility to have taken measures to help stop me f4rom contracting HIV. I was astonished. I did not know that medical advancements had come that far along. Unfortunately, it had been over a week. I have been reading articles and joining support groups and have found a local chapter here where I live called S44F. I am 49 almost 50 and this is a shock to me still.

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Hello Sister! first of all you came to the right place <3 we are here for you! you can also contact me in private and I can guide and mentor you as I do with so many women and girls all over the world . I am so sorry with everything that you are going through..but you will get through it because we are survivors! I have lived with HIV/AIDS for 28 years and I love that you found us! email me or look for me in FB Maria HIV Mejia-Laing 


I am the founder of the 2 largest support groups online in English and Spanish with people from all over the world! that with the combination of information and love you will find here will make you a stronger person!


much love 


Maria Mejia

Submitted by fastdixon85712

Hi I was just diagnosed on March 6th 2016. It was hard at first to believe and accept. I do not hate the person who I got it from. I do however detest the fact that he lied to me about his status and trusted him as well as his father. They both said he was not positive for any std's. I ended up with gonorrhea as well. I see his father a lot because he hangs out with a few of my neighbors. I would like to be involve with advocating awareness as well as try to help prevent others from getting this. I am a single mother of a child who has a stage 4 bone cancer father and now she has a mother with HIV. Her first words it is ok to take my dad but they can't have my mom too. At first I didnt knwio what to do I was scared. I got my appointment and had a 4th generation test done. While waiting for the results the doctor told me that if I would have known within 72 hours the person was positive that there was a possibility to have taken measures to help stop me f4rom contracting HIV. I was astonished. I did not know that medical advancements had come that far along. Unfortunately, it had been over a week. I have been reading articles and joining support groups and have found a local chapter here where I live called S44F. I am 49 almost 50 and this is a shock to me still.

Submitted by AngelMoon

I am Angela and I come from Greece, I am 44 yrs old, I have been diagnosed with HIV on April 2016... I am very happy I found "thewellproject" and so far I ran through some of the posts here. It is really helpful and inspiring to go on and not give up. I m determined to fight for my life and defeat the virus. The first days I was lost and shocked, I feel much better now. I m expecting for my CD4 results and I hope I will start the treatment. I want to thank every each one of you cause you gave me courage and I know I m not alone....

Wishing you the best blessings, Love, Light and Happy life moments.


Submitted by kmartel

Hi Angela-

I am so glad you found us and we welcome you to our wonderful supportive community! We hope you will find all the support and information you need to help guide you, and please feel free to reach out to us and the bloggers with questions! Hearing that our resources has helped give you courage and hope really helps us to continue to push and make this available to as many people as possible!

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Hello Angela!!


welcome to the family!! we are very glad you found us! continue to visit us and you wil find all the support and information that you need :) please reach out to me via FB if you like Maria HIV Mejia-Laing


I am a 28 year survivor of infected in 88/89 at the age of what I believe it is 15/16 years old and I just turned 43


love and light


Maria Mejia

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