HIV family


I don't consider myself old at age 62 and I am aware that my decades are lessening. With family health crises and deaths in my circle of friends this season, the epiphany that life could change in an instant triggered an aspiration to live closer and be a part of my son's adult life.

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Hello, my name is Samantha Rose Montemayor Morales. I am a Proud Trans Latina Woman of Color who has been living with HIV since June 28, 2010.

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Today begins with a dance, a delicious duet between my anxious twinges and relatively dark depression. The audience on the edge of their seats... who will take the lead? Will she weep on the ground or work diligently to steady gasping breaths in the corner of the room?

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Children are clay in the trusted hands of a human creator, loaned to us for a small moment in this space we consume. (Let’s understand first, I will not be striving for political correctness.)

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USCA 2018 was my first national conference that I attended, I am beyond grateful that I was able to. The experience and knowledge I was able to obtain was remarkable and life-changing to say the least! Of course my big crybaby butt had a few moments I shed tears, but they was of joy!!

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Touchdown… I finally land in Huntsville International Airport at 10:00 pm. I felt like it was two in the morning and I walked all the way to Huntsville from Orlando on foot. I was exhausted, but what...

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Thirty years ago today I was handed a death sentence. At least that is what an HIV diagnosis meant in 1988. In fact, it meant so much more than just death. It meant shame. It meant stigma. It meant judgement and isolation.

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It is over fourteen years now, that I told my seven year old son that I have HIV and that I will be dying soon. I told him not to worry too much that my Mum and elder brother will take good care of...

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A very real conversation with my mother and aunt about HIV and how they dealt with my disclosure, stigma and the death sentence HIV was in those times...

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I never imagined that I would witness what I have within the past month... My twins' (my preemie firstborns) Senior Prom and their graduation from high school... My 17 year old finished her two years...

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