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#2018USCA My Extended Fam(ily)

Submitted on Oct 4, 2018 by  ForeverTrue24


USCA 2018 was my first national conference that I attended, I am beyond grateful that I was able to. The experience and knowledge I was able to obtain was remarkable and life-changing to say the least! Of course my big crybaby butt had a few moments I shed tears, but they was of joy!!

First, being able to see some of my sisters and brothers who were in Myrtle Beach (for the PWN Summit) was refreshing, but then to actually meet some people who I have only interacted with via social media was even more exciting. To actually be able to give hugs and kisses and share the same space with those who have been beyond supportive and whose journeys I have been watching unfold was beyond captivating. I got to meet someone who I had only thought I would only read about-- TIMOTHY RAY BROWN “ The Berlin Patient!” OMG what a phenomenal experience to encounter a great man! I just love him and I don’t think he really knows it lol. He may just be the answer to our cure one day and even if he isn’t, I still love him and his super sweet personality.


I worked the booth for The Well Project for two days and boy let me tell you, the people that knew about us and the feedback they gave, gave me even more reasons to be proud to be apart of this family. I was also able to inform those that didn’t know about the organization. I talked about my experiences upon entering our sisterhood, and I think we were able to reach just a little bit further of an audience than what we already have.


Ok ok then we had our sisterhood dinner at some restaurant (I forgot the name) and even though most of us couldn’t pronounce the items on the menu, we were able to share valuable information along with plenty laughter over a very tasty meal. So you know what they say, ‘A family that eats together, sticks together!’ I can literally write all day about my experiences, but I am trying to keep it short and sweet lol. I was also able to sit in on one of our panels and, of course, this is when I had one of my crybaby moments where I was able to express just how much The Well Project means to me and how much my newfound family has made such a huge impact on my life! I can’t say enough how much I love each and every one that’s a part of this sisterhood, I really can’t. I love them soooo much and more grateful that this organization even exists. They gave and still are helping me along my journey more than they even know!!!

So imma end this with a huge THANK YOU to NMAC for the scholarship and having this super important conference, and an even bigger THANK YOU to my fam(ily) THE WELL PROJECT who have given me purpose and means to even be at these types of functions. Thank you BOTH so much. I don’t know how I could ever repay either group of people, but to keep living and learning and extending the knowledge I obtain to those who were unable to attend, and those who are in the dark of the fantastic knowledge and love that is being shared at such events as this one! I pray I am able to continue being an awesome advocate and attend the phenomenal USCAs in the future to come. Thank you all again my fam(ily) and until next time...hugs and kisses #LIYT

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