HIV self-care

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Many may be able to relate that diagnosis day is rarely filled with happy memories. As time goes on, we cope and come to terms with our diagnosis and live out our bad ass lives, but there's still always that reminder.

Submitted on: May 20, 2024
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Becoming a nurse taught me how to live with HIV.

Submitted on: May 8, 2024
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Today I got the call that I have been not wanting to receive. I have known that my father has Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Parkinson's since May of 2020. It's been hard to make decisions for the person who I have felt caused me so much hurt.

Submitted on: May 6, 2024

On a recent episode of TheBody's Instagram Live series “At Home With,” The Well Project executive director Krista Martel talks with Charles Sanchez about what our organization is up to.

Submitted on: May 1, 2024
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We all have baggage, we are carrying emotions we weren't meant to carry, and have allowed them to shape our identity!

Submitted on: May 1, 2024
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Being an avid traveller, I do have extra exercise and motivation to stay adherent and loyal to my medication. Otherwise, how can I enjoy holidays or work abroad when I am not healthy?

Submitted on: Apr 26, 2024
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What was the most impactful were the stories told by each of us living with HIV. It would not have been nearly as successful without our voices.

Submitted on: Apr 1, 2024
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So, if you remember my last blog, I shared my pregnancy news and my plans to breastfeed my baby. Well, I breastfed, it didn't last long though, but let's get into this short story.

Submitted on: Mar 6, 2024
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You don't have to go through having HIV or AIDS alone. Even if you don't have them, create your own extended family.

Submitted on: Feb 28, 2024
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Stigma is deadlier than the disease itself, and the top driver of HIV stigma, in my opinion, is the church.

Submitted on: Feb 2, 2024

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