I recently celebrated my 34th birthday on July 4th and I must say it is on my top five list of favorites. Let me tell you why. Earlier this year I made it a point to do things I enjoy doing and to treat myself better. This year I was finally able to go on vacation with my best friend of 25 years that did not involve any obligations. It was a real vacation to a place on my bucket list for years. I went to Turks and Caicos with a group of women I did not know besides my bestie and her sister. Now I was nervous but also, I had not been out of the country in six years and was not going to let anyone ruin my time. I am happy to report a time was had in the most beautiful house. Next time we need to schedule more naps because age is catching up with me.
After a wonderful time celebrating my bestie's birthday, mine followed a month later. I was not able to go on vacation, but I made it a point to do what I wanted to do and not what people wanted me to do. I had gotten tired of people promising me they were going to do something and would cancel plans. My birthday consisted of a day with me and bae living our best life without being parents for the day. Getting to spend time with each other doing the things we love including a nap in between because that man knows me. The next day I went to get a massage and a pedicure. I had won a gift card for the spa over a year and a half ago and was waiting for the perfect time to use it. I really need to stop that way of thinking when it comes to me.
Later that day I got to see my other man. Now before you say OTHER MAN and get to wondering. I am talking about my man my man Chris Brown who graced me with his presence the day after my birthday for the 1:11 concert. Shout out to my mom who was my plug that night because the price I paid for my original seats should have been V.I.P. You could not tell me that man did not look me dead in my face singing to me. I attended the concert by myself because I did not want to go back and forth with someone else on what I was comfortable paying for my ticket. Like I said it worked out for me because my mom was able to get me better seats.
The celebration did not end there. I have been a resin artist since 2020 and always had people asking me do I offer classes. Without a warehouse space or going to someone's home to have the classes I did not know how I would put that vision together. When resin is poured it is in liquid form then hardens between 24 to 72 hours, meaning once the resin is poured into a mold it cannot move. I decided to test the class out my birthday weekend in my home. I recently became a balloon artist decorating events. I created a half balloon arch to showcase my new skills. Shout out to my friends who participated in the charcuterie board contest. I was able to teach various age groups on how to create resin art. Previously I only thought to provide this service to groups 21 and up. I successfully taught 12- and 13-year-olds a different form of art. That made me immensely proud. I was able to learn from my mistakes and can see me offering this service to people. I created a core memory with great people.
The best part about my birthday was I made all the decisions. I did not have a wonderful time because I was out of the country on someone's beach. It was top five on my list because I did what I wanted whether I did it by myself or included family and friends.

Thank you
I look forward to continuing on this path. Great seeing you at USCHA!