HIV treatment


My grandson ran in his first Spartan race on Sunday, and as my eyes followed him, I thought how amazing this was that this could be a metaphor for all the challenges that so many of us have before we realize that we are all so unique

Submitted on: Jul 26, 2019

I don't even want to do this. I'm so selfish which makes understanding me difficult. I am also selfless to a fault. I draw lines. So enough about me. I wrote a blog a while back. Since I was nineteen...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2019
Flyer for WATCH webinar containing title, logos, date, times & names of speakers & panelists.

In partnership with Prevention Access Campaign, don't miss this update on the progress of the U=U campaign and future efforts!

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2019

I am #HIVpositive since 2005 due to medical negligence. I have been stigmatised, discriminated, hated, shunned and even ostracised. All because of my SILENCE. And FEAR.

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2019

"Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter...

Submitted on: Jun 8, 2019

A friend and I were having a conversation about the recent news about the second patient cured of HIV (or is he in long-term remission? I need the medical community to come to a damn consensus, 'cause...

Submitted on: Jun 6, 2019

I sometimes feel like the last 22 years or so I've been living on borrowed time. I guess that's why whenever I have any kind of health scare I kind of freak out a bit. It's sort of a post-traumatic...

Submitted on: May 19, 2019

I am so tired of HIV and AIDS! I hate to play victim and have a pity party cause I know it could be worse

Submitted on: May 17, 2019

Why we cannot forget? I remember when I was first diagnosed with HIV I learned about being undetectable. I was so excited about the word in itself. It meant I almost didn’t have it. I had also read...

Submitted on: May 2, 2019

I wonder. Then I just imagine. Refreshing. Shouting out what takes space in the mind or heart. I am much more special than you could imagine. My journeys, adventures, memories are mine. I am on my way...

Submitted on: Apr 29, 2019

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