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Are you talented and never let HIV stigma stand in your way? We are looking for talents to share their experience during World AIDS day on the 1st of December 2024.

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I have been visiting Japan and Korea over the past 5 weeks. That is why you haven't heard from me. I would like to share my learning from those two countries.

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To those Burundians women who try to make a difference in our country and work hard for their families and contribute to Burundi’s economy, I salute you!

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The talk of ending HIV and AIDS has been going for ages, are we really going to end HIV and AIDS by 2030?

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My lovely people, these past few days I have been very proactive and this is really boosting my confidence and energy as well. Last weekend I was invited to give a THRIVE workshop during the 4th...

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Many people know me as a person living with HIV. So when I talk about my long-term fight with diabetes, they get surprised and often ask "Oh do you have a diabetes too?" Double trouble, that's what I...

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It's always a pleasure to share with you the stories that inspired you and the World. This time we are going to talk about Drag. While a lot of you may have heard of drag and drag queens as performance arts, many of you may not yet be familiar with drag kings.

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It is important to stay connected no matter how our busy life is, because being together sparks inspiration to share our experiences, knowledge and new ideas to improve our life cycle. That is OUR POWER to supercharge an equitable future!

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My lovely people, today I want to share my opinion on PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis). I know that PrEP is a pill that prevents a person from getting HIV infection. PrEP is scientifically proven to be effective for women.

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My lovely people, January is my favourite month. Not only because it is the beginning of a New year where we can start afresh, we also still have the whole year ahead to work on whatever we set our mind to.

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