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Bucket List

Submitted on Aug 23, 2010 by  jae001

I am inspired by the movie, “The Bucket List.” I decided it is much easier to make a list and check it off as I reach my goals. If you haven’t seen it, I totally recommend it! I am going to start and see how many things I can get done before I die. I am not planning on dying anytime soon but I thought this would keep me on track to achieve my goals. There are so many things I would like to do. I am starting by writing them all down. So here I go.. baby steps…

My Bucket list

  1. Graduate from college
  2. See my youngest son graduate from High School
  3. Have a photograph taken with My Entire Family (In Laws included) somewhere beautiful
  4. Ride in a hot air balloon
  5. Help entrepreneurs in third world countries through ~
  6. Go to Italy
  7. Hike Machu Picchu ~ Peru
  8. Make a difference in someone else’s life
  9. Volunteer my time
  10. Go to Washington DC & see the White House
  11. Go to NY City and see a Broadway Show
  12. See the Statue of Liberty
  13. Go to the Hollywood Bowl
  14. Ride a mechanical bull
  15. Go white water rafting
  16. Go on a canopy tour (traverse between trees on a zip line)
  17. Start a snowball fight with complete strangers
  18. Do something that would make me feel uncomfortable
  19. Take voice lesions (singing)
  20. Lose weight (done Aug 2010) Maintain a healthy weight & start a exercise regimen
  21. Visit the Eiffel Tower at night
  22. Travel around San Francisco in a Cable Car
  23. Swim with sharks (done Oct 2007)
  24. Swim with dolphins
  25. Make someone speechless
  26. Build a sandcastle at the beach; like the ones you see on the television
  27. Meet the President of the United States
  28. Keep adding to this list and never stop!

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - "WOW - What a Ride!
- Anonymous

Submitted by Vickie

The Bucket List also inspired me. I hope that you have the opportunity to do all those things and more.

Submitted by Vickie

Great List! Going to Italy is on my Bucket List too and I was able to cross it off in March. You'll love it there! Good luck with your adventures!

Submitted by Vickie

I love lists too!! I had one that i wrote at the beginning of the year - only to have a positive diagnosis of hiv a few months ago. Also within the last few weeks loosing my hubby to Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. My whole life as i knew it has changed. I am trying to make a new list to reflect how things have changed - but can't seem to find anything that i really want to do now. Your list made me smile and think maybe I too can. xxxx

Submitted by Vickie

I also enjoyed dat movie.hiking in Peru sounds gud.enjoy

Submitted by jae001

#14 DONE!!!! Mechanical Bull has nothing on me... :)

Submitted by jae001

# 5 DONE!!!! :) glad I can help... even 25.00 is a hugh difference!!!

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