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Don't Give Up on Your Dreams

Submitted on Aug 16, 2011 by  jae001

What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor, lawyer, actor, Mom, teacher? I am living proof that you can't let HIV steal your dreams. Sometimes I get into this self pity mode. When I take inventory of everything I have accomplished in spite of being HIV positive... I am doing better than most living without it. I got the best news last week. I just was accepted into the school I have been applying to for over 2 years. My husband's career is going Very Well. My children are all healthy. They are children, so I have sleepless nights and headaches worrying about their future. But I feel that is a part of the job as a parent. We have a full house filled with chaos and love. I am living my dreams... don't give up on yours.

Submitted by joyaloyo

I know Miss Jae what you are talking about. Many years ago i gave up my dream of teaching little children and i just realised this year that i shouldnt have done it or even waited many more years to relive it agin. i have decided am going to do exactly that and i am so over joyed and fulfilled at just the thought of going to do what i love so much.

Submitted by Mmakgoshi

Thank u very much 4 da inspiration. I will hold on 2 my dreamz n never let. My big dreamz got nothing 2 do with da HIV dat is just in my blood. I'm goin 2 make it just fine*thanks again* much love

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