Happy New Year 2011!

Submitted on Jan 4, 2011 by  jae001

I survived the Holidays… Yippeeeee! Now for the New Year! I always love family drama during the holiday (SARCASM), hateful things and actions with the MIL (Mother-in-law). Too bad she just can’t accept the things she cannot change. I guess she doesn’t realize who makes up the schedule in our home. I will not expose my family to hatefulness at the holidays, or anytime for that matter.

I am happy we got to spend this Christmas with extended family. I am not use to having little ones around; it was so much fun, AND BUSY!

I am looking forward to a healthy, Happy New Year and to get some of the things checked off my bucket list!

I wish for you all of my AGLM family… you find peace within yourself, good health and lots of love.

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions, however I have one this year. I am going to get all of my loose photographs (which are thousands) scanned and put onto disks… What is yours?


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