The Intelligent Virus

Hello my Sisters,

I've been doing some thinking of the HIV virus. What I've come up with is she's a very intelligent one! I call her a SHE because only a woman is as passionate about winning as HIV. We women never give up and some of us, by nature, can be quite ruthless and vindictive! This is exactly how I see HIV! She's very sneaky,and cunning too I might add. Her sole purpose is to survive! She lives to replicate and reproduce. Seek and destroy is her mission. Every time her host misses a dose, she screams of joy!! What she says?? Scored!! A game she likes to play? Hide and seek. She hides very well so a cure cannot find her. One day, Ms. HIV, you will cease to exist. For we must be smarter, wiser and sneakier than you.

To my beautiful Sisters that are HIV positive, it is imperative that you 100% adhere to your medication. Never allow that cunning bitch a chance to score. You are the driver and HIV is your passenger. She only goes as far as you allow her. I love you all and, like you all, I will never give up hope to finding a cure! You have HIV. HIV does not have you!!

Amani Nadira 's recent blog posts


Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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