Health and Medical Issues


Learn how smoking and using tobacco affects your HIV, the ways it can hurt your health, and the good news about getting help with quitting.

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Silhouette of back of person in seated yoga pose near sea at sunset.

Learn about common signs and causes of stress, how stress affects women living with HIV, and how to reduce and cope with stress in your life.

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Woman sitting looking out the window crossing her arms around herself.

Learn about substance use, how it can affect you, how it relates to HIV, how to tell if you have a problem, and what to do.

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3d illustration of a syphilis pathogen.

Learn about syphilis, a treatable sexually transmitted infection that can lead to severe illness if left untreated.

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Close-up of a keyboard highlighting the letters A C A.

Learn how women living with HIV can benefit from changes that are part of the Affordable Care Act – from better access to care to no-cost preventive tests.

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Stethoscope on prescription pad.

Learn about available treatments for hepatitis C and who should take them – as well as HIV treatment for those also living with hepatitis C.

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Hand drawing methadone molecule and the word "Methadone".

Learn about methadone and buprenorphine, how they can help you with a heroin or opiate addiction, how they interact with HIV drugs, and more.

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Medical professional looking at a chest x-ray.

Get important information about different forms of TB, TB treatment, TB in people living with HIV, TB in pregnancy, and more.

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What is "Undetectable Equals Untransmittable" (U=U) — and what does it mean for women living with HIV? Learn more about this groundbreaking discovery, and the worldwide campaign to spread the word about it.

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Learn what vitamins and minerals are and get suggestions about supplements that women living with HIV may want to take and supplements to avoid.

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