HIV Treatment

A woman at a laptop looking at medication bottle.

Learn how to recognize and deal with some of the milder, more common side effects of HIV drugs as well as some of the more serious ones.

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Woman reading a medicine bottle in a kitchen with a glass of water nearby.

Get the information you need when starting treatment – choosing a drug regimen, adherence, resistance, taking your pills, side effects, and more.

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Colorful illustration of T Cell and HIV, showing CD4 receptor, coreceptor, and GP 120.

Learn about CD4 cells – what they are, how HIV affects them, CD4 tests and CD4 counts, and what these mean for HIV infection and treatment.

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Letter tiles in crossword spelling Clinical across and Trials down.

Learn why clinical trials are done, what types there are, how to decide whether to participate, and why it's important for women to be involved.

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Gloved hands holding test tubes and using lab equipment.

Learn about lab tests that are important for your health – what they are, what they measure, and how results are used.

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Several test tubes containing liquid in a rack.

Get basic information about tests for resistance, tropism, and viral load – what they are, when you need them, and how they are used.

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Person dressed in medical garb holding sign that reads "Immune System".

Get basic information about how the immune system works, its key parts, and how HIV can damage it.

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What is "Undetectable Equals Untransmittable" (U=U) — and what does it mean for women living with HIV? Learn more about this groundbreaking discovery, and the worldwide campaign to spread the word about it.

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Representación de los virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH).

Get basic information about viral load – what it is, when to have it tested, and how the results are used – and sex differences in viral load.

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