
Woman of trans experience using smartphone in beauty salon.

Look here to find information and support for community building, health issues, violence, discrimination, legal barriers, transgender youth, and more.

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Trans symbol hovering above multicolored background.

Learn about trans women living with HIV and the many unique issues they face, including some good news about determined resilience.

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When I first saw the light, I quickly learned that parents are not given a manual on "parenting skills", but were walking around with their own past generation's values and behaviors.

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Date: June 12, 2020 Situation: The murder of George Floyd occurred on May 25th, 2020. Protests and civil unrest began on May 26, 2020.

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I haven't written in what feels like an eternity; not even sure I've written something that's been publicly shared at all in 2022...

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My lovely people, can you explain to me why white people coming to Africa are quickly called "experts", but people of African descent in Europe are often called "refugees, migrants, or illegals"...

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Today begins with a dance, a delicious duet between my anxious twinges and relatively dark depression. The audience on the edge of their seats... who will take the lead? Will she weep on the ground or work diligently to steady gasping breaths in the corner of the room?

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To The Well Project community, I write to you today with feelings of profound sadness and disgust, and frankly, struggling with what to say. While I don't necessarily feel prepared to offer wisdom in...

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I am born dark brown although many people prefer to call my colour black. OK, then I am black! Do you have a problem with that? It's shocking how ignorant people remain about racism! In a week I...

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As an African woman, having a white Dutch husband and mixed kids, I want to share my experience towards Black Lives Matter. In 13 years in the Netherlands, I have come across many facets of...

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