self care

A woman in a group of protesters at a rally.

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I've lived in Southwest Florida (SWFL) since 2004 and I've experienced a few storms with my family since being here. Charlie was my introduction, not even having lived here a month. I moved to Cape Coral about two years ago, and this was the first storm that was headed for the west coastline of Florida.

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I think in the past month I've at least touched base with all five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, but I feel like it's only been a preview of going through those stages again

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Often times, and no disrespect to anyone who has said it, but... not being tied to anything isn't all it's cracked up to be. Let me explain...

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My heart broke I can't believe it. My heart tore, then broke, and BOOM! I am beating on my chest, crying, and screaming, Oh My God! PLEASE HELP ME! Thank God I was initially on the phone with a friend...

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I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said this about confidence "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself I lived through the horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

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Today I love me and I am worthy. I am a sound woman. I have great character. I am a leader. I am fierce. I am a rockstar. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am everything I want to be. I am a beast to...

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Hello again to all of my sisters here. I want to share a little something about my life. I'm going through a healing process within myself and learned that being open about my issues are a part of...

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I've been away for awhile. Quite honestly, I've been a bit self-absorbed. I've been concentrating on myself...mentally, physically and spiritually. I am preparing for weight loss surgery...I am...

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