Relax and Reclaim

Submitted on Oct 28, 2013 by  katie06


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I've been away for awhile.  Quite honestly, I've been a bit self-absorbed.  I've been concentrating on myself...mentally, physically and spiritually.

I am preparing for weight loss surgery...I am actually scheduled for surgery on November 4th!  This has taken a year's worth of work, doctor's appointment, tests, meetings, and diets.  While a long and strenuous process, I hope one that is worth the effort

I have also become more involved with church, which has helped me both mentally and spiritually.  I really reached out to my church when my husband and I were having difficulties.  They were wonderful and supportive.  I needed to hear that divorce was not necessarily the answer, but rather patience, discussions and prayer.  In addition to church, I've been regularly attending a women's Bible study group.  I've also been asked to be a table leader for the current Bible study...something that was very outside my comfort zone, at first.

I've decided that this year and the upcoming year (2014), I will be improving myself. As a mother and a wife, I tend to put my family before myself.  Eventually, I began to feel unappreciated, lonely and resentful.  Now that I've begun to reclaim myself, those negative emotions have dissipated and I am simply feeling happier.  So while I had taken a step back from my blog, I'm happy to be back and happy to share my new motto...Relax and Reclaim!   I want you to relax and reclaim what is important...because you are worthy.

Submitted by Kristi2020

Thanks for writing. It is such a good reminder to take care of ourselves. I too, offten put others first. Best of luck with your surgery.

Submitted by joyaloyo

my dear am happy for you. many times we give up to soon. am glad you gave it another chance. God will surely give you the desire of your heart. be blessed my sister.

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