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25 Years

Submitted on Jun 28, 2013 by  The Well Project


WRI 2011 Barnsley Gardens - Stephanie Gross 434.962.2019

To honor the amazing leadership, advocacy and work of The Well Project Founder (and first A Girl Like Me blogger), Dawn Averitt, we would like to share this note from her brother and Co-Founder, Richard Averitt.

"Today is the celebration of my sister's 25th year since her diagnosis with HIV/AIDS. In that time, she has grown from a young woman who didn't expect to see her 25th birthday to a force of nature who has truly, directly and personally impacted the lives of millions. There are women alive today who made it out of the darkness and survived because of Dawn. There are women who had children because she showed it could be done and she courageously led the way. There are governments who made new laws, drug companies who created new therapies, researchers who had surprising breakthroughs, families who found hope and two daughters who cherish her and call her mom. Another year and I am so very humbled by all that you have achieved sis. I love you."
- Richard Averitt, June 28th, 2013


Thank you for your courage before it was as easy as it is today to be an advocate! To both of you for providing such an amazing forum for the "Ladies of HIV AIDS to shine!"

I'm proud to be a part of the A Girl Like me Family!

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