Defining Safe

Submitted on Feb 27, 2019 by  MasoniaTraylor

I feel my most safest when I'm in an airplane amongst the clouds
In the sand at the foot of an ocean or near flowing water
With my boyfriend
With my children
Sometimes with my mom
I feel safe when I dance
I feel safe when I read books
I feel safe when I cry
I feel safe when I drink tea
I feel safe when I hug
I feel safe when I dress up
I feel safe when I cook beautiful meals
I feel safe when I paint
I feel safe when I eat popsicles
I feel safe when I drink root beer
I feel safe when I'm close to God
I feel safe when I'm with lynnise

I used to feel safe about my healthcare
I used to feel safe about my next move
I used to feel safe about dreaming
I used to feel safe about having support
I used to feel safe about WHO I AM

April 2018

Submitted by boseolotu

Thank you so much for sharing. I feel safe just reading your post.
It lifted up my spirit this morning.

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