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Girls Like Us

Submitted on Aug 6, 2019 by  Arianna77

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Dear friends, sisters in the struggle to be recognized for ourselves, helping one another, in this life experience that I’ve gotten to live, as a positive woman and also a Trans and Latina woman. We who've directly faced those disadvantages for some, for many girls like me it's been an advantage, something that's made us stronger in different areas. Still, it's very hard to do it alone. Today I want to thank The Well Project, an organization of women, that empowers and shapes. The Well Project has been and will be a connection for me, my story, my work and my leadership. My work is not easy and it won't be, but with consistent support from my great sisters, my family at The Well Project, with their HOPE program in the past three months, this organization that for me is an honor to represent, has helped me be in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at "TransFormando Comunidades" in May 2019; in Harligen TX at the South Texas Conference on Adult & Adolescent Sexual Health - June 28, 2019; Orlando Florida at the Florida HIV Coalition; and in NY Queens at the first Trans Health Festival. I would have never been able to do these presentations, support and educate more people, so people learn about the life of women living with HIV and that work to devictimize and have better resources for everyone.

This administration is making an effort to make HIV disappear in some years in the USA, and with The Well Project's commitment and unconditional help, this can happen. It feels so good when you feel that you are not alone, and the HOPE program doesn't just help face this situation but also empower with different resources, so that our stories will become our cover letters. Thanks to the whole team at this fabulous organization, that not only helps with financial resources, but also with tools to educate us more and empower us to better face this HIV field, that's difficult whichever way you look at it, but can be comforting when you find people, sisters, friends and peers, like I did here at The Well Project.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for guiding me to always be More and Better. Living with HIV is not easy for anyone, but it's less difficult when you have a friendly hand that can help you in this story, and thank God that I found this and so much more here on this website and with these people, My people. The Well Project.

Gracias heart





Submitted by boseolotu

Great! Thank you so much for this great sharing, I have been a beneficiary of The Well Project too in a lots of ways.
My community included, since 2011 till date they have build my capacity in advocacy, on my work as an HIV trained counsellor and health educator.

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