Inspired by My Sisters

Submitted on Sep 6, 2018 by  Angel S.

A breath of fresh air. "Live in Your Truth". First time I heard that said was Speak Up 2018. Inspired by a young lady, Wanona, who also blogs for A Girl Like Me. My first time as a co-presenter for A Girl Like Me. Thank you so much Krista and The Well Project.

I hear those words echo. I try to find the meaning. Circling round and round.

The stairs grow weak and the train moves on. My sins are mine. Time cannot be replaced … with a million, "I'm Sorrys"; you escape again. Looking for that meaning. "Live in Your Truth." Well to my amazement, right in those words are: hope, joy, birth, freedom. At the time I did not recognize those words touched my soul. I am a hot mess, a beautiful disaster. That phrase stuck: "own your truth" I went through a lot of acceptance of self over this phrase. Things others saw in me I just refused to see for myself.

Back to "Live in Your Truth". What a breakthrough; thank you beautiful sister!

I am passionate yet cautious as intimate partner violence is still very prevalent and very real. Criminalization is also a real thing. We struggle with living healthy with HIV. I am very public yet, like HIV, all others see is stigma, ignorance; and fear; not everyone knows my status. Fishtails to their opinions and lack of knowledge. I had to hide that I live with HIV and had no real reason except fear of violence or prison. 

I am grateful for the patience of my sisters I met at these conferences, teaching me I am valuable. I needed to Live in My Truth to be whole. I took on the challenge. I am looking at me, not my condition. I refuse to fuel stigma. 

I start the next leg of my journey in recovery and self-care with my head high, ready to jump into my restoration campaign for voters in Florida. 1.4 million people can benefit if we vote Yes on 4. I have support and most of all I found acceptance in owning MY truth. Fear not for we are not alone. On the way I learned a lot about voting. I got hands-on involved in some politics. I'm going to take care of myself and do my advocacy. I am owning my truth and turning lemons to lemonade.

I am living with HIV. I am an important part of this fight to #stopstigma.

#myvoicematters #educationnotignorance  #sciencenotstigma #u=u xoxo

Submitted by Lovinglife101


Your spoken words are amazing and I am so proud of all you are doing.  You are fearless and fragile and I love you!   Really glad you are part of the family.  

Vickie Lynn

Submitted by Angel S.

Vickie Thank you for your kind words. Xoxo without the well project and my sisters I don't know how I would have made it this far. To thriving, loving, and togetherness. I have hope.

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

My dear Angel! I love how deep you write and it is so important to sometimes vent through writing and blogging! you are touching lives through your example! we may bend, but we will NOT break


love you



Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

My dear Angel! I love how deep you write and it is so important to sometimes vent through writing and blogging! you are touching lives through your example! we may bend, but we will NOT break


love you



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