Intro - BornHIVPoz89

Submitted on Apr 6, 2015 by  BornHivPoz89

I am 25 years old, HIV born, but totally in control of my destiny. Faith saw me through as well as self healing. I dine in poetry like a Thanksgiving feast. I've already attained touching feats mountain top high. I have an associates and bachelor's degree, so yes, I soar for the sky in everything I attempt, I leave no hardship exempt. Music speaks to my soul; self healing made me aware and whole. When I date, I let them know upfront this life sentence fate. Either take me as I am or dash break away. I'm gay and proud. I live my life out loud. Followed by extraordinary musical artist Rihanna, emotionally in tune with peace and happiness like a sauna. Unapologetic for my mistakes, never failures, just lessons painted on this stake.

Why Brittney wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: When you picture HIV, what do you picture? You probably picture a pessimistic individual who is hopeless, sick, totally out of control of his or her life, lonely, dejected, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and a reckless human being who is living out the horrendous consequences of a big personal mistake. I'm tired of the stories where HIV positive people don't finish school, are always sick, often talking about how melancholy their life is, how they can't workout or feel great on a daily basis, and all of the pain often associated with the illness. I want to show a different side of HIV where one does workout in the gym, is healthy inside and out, loves life, dances in the rain and the sun, feels blessed not only to be alive, but actually living the life one always dreamed of. Oh and yes, some people are ignorant, uneducated, or prejudiced. Those people won't date you because you're HIV positive but trust me handsome gal or beautiful woman, some awesome individual will not even see HIV as a factor, but more as something which makes you strong, empowering, and inspirational rather than monstrous. That's another thing I abhor. HIV does not make me monstrous. It does not define me. I am living with it; there is a huge difference. I'm immensely ambitious. I will become a musical artist, actress, fitness model, entrepreneur, and possibly even a lawyer. HIV is not a crutch I hop on to get around. Instead it is like a pull up bar. It pulls me up and motivates me to accomplish every single aim I ever had plus a whole lot more. I want to inspire others to have the same mentality. How you perceive this illness or any illness is what sets you apart from someone else with it. How you perceive HIV is what can prevent you from becoming a statistical failure. Instead you can become a shining beacon of hope for this generation and generations to come.

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