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Join Me at the NYC AIDS Walk

Submitted on May 8, 2023 by  Escalice

I've been walking in the New York City AIDS walk since 2017 (except for the time during Covid). The first year I walked with some family, but they weren't aware of my status at the time. The following year I did the 5 mile run and was on my own, and the year after that, I took my daughter with me which was such an incredible experience for me. Last year, in 2022, it was the first one back since Covid and I walked it with a dear family member and friend who is aware of my status and very supportive.

This past March marked 8 years since my diagnosis. This year I had the idea to try and get some positive and powerful women to walk with me. On Sunday, May 21st, I invite any of you ladies who live in the New York area or are close by and want to travel, to do the NYC AIDS Walk with me. You can register online and email me here so we can coordinate meeting up. I hope to see you there!


A Girl Like Me blogger, Escalice, and logo for A Girl Like Me.

Submitted by kmartel

Hi! I was waiting to see if I had to be out of town for a meeting, but thinking it's not going to happen, so I'm going to connect with you to meet up, and will also check around with some friends/NY folks to see if they can join us! I should be able to get TWP t-shirts for us too! And I think Olivia Ford (and her daughter) might able to join us too!!! I'll be in touch!! xk

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Hello dear sister, I see what a beast you are and so motivational !! I also would of loved to walk with you and Krista! Thankyou for all you do.



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