Strange but True

Submitted on Jul 13, 2017 by  boseolotu

I was invited by one of the Private Secondary Schools in Abuja to address mothers on issues concerning a girl child.

For me I choose to make it an interactive session for those mothers in order for us to be able to discuss some of the issues and challenges faced by a girl child both in the community and School. It was also an experience sharing session for us all.

  • Peer Pressure
  • Sexual Reproductive health
  • Cultural influence
  • Self Esteem

One of the experiences shared by the Proprietor, she shared about a close family friend's daughter who was rushed to the hospital. The seventeen year old girl complained of a serious stomach pain, her mother was so shocked when the Doctor told her that the girl is seven months pregnant and she is having a premature labour.

She put to bed a baby girl that came out looking green, she was saying this with much sadness and heart broken, the girl did partake in this recent thirty days Islamic fasting (Ramadan).

The strange thing is that when she asked who impregnated her she disclosed that is was her biological Father that has been having sex with her over time and when the father was brought in for questioning he told them that he did it because his wife has been depriving him of sex for a long time so he just have to do it with their daughter.

This happened last week here in Abuja Nigeria.

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