Happy New Month

Submitted on Apr 1, 2022 by  boseolotu

The month of March has been an amazing one for me and I wish that this new month shall be more fruitful for you all. Just keep doing the little incredible and amazing things you do in your various communities. Because we can't tell how impactful and life changing are the experiences gathered in doing these things.

Because with HIV comes lots of its own challenges.

Despite having faced lots of issues in many areas, including the area of parenting, which is the most challenging part for me as a parent, still along came some breakthroughs, both mentally and emotionally.

It began with an email shared with us by our dearest lovely sister Jyoti! She encouraged any one of us who were interested in participating in this year's International Women's Day Event by some group in India called REX - Ideas for Action. For me, I just needed something to engage myself with at that time. I was just hoping to be part of the event and participate as an audience member. What I did not know was that I would be required or requested to give a nine minute speech. I have never given any speech that is so short! But with help from my sister from another mother, Jyoti, she gave me her full support and encouragement. That really built my confidence and courage to speak among nine other people.

It was an amazing experience sharing a moment about my own resilience and breaking bias as a mother, wife, sister, friend, and colleague. The hosts were inspired and lots of great encouraging comments were given to me by both Eitu and Mr. Jerry of the REX - Ideas for Action.

Now the awesome news about all of this is that I received a certificate of participation and was told by the organisers of Rex Karmaveer Global Fellowship that I shall be receiving a Karmaveer Award in India in November 2022!

I am grateful for you all being a part of my life story and journey.

Thank you Jyoti!!

Thank you Maria.

Thank you Krista.

Thank you Dawn.

Thank you Jenna.

Thank you Gina.

Thank you Kelly.

Thank you... Thank you to you all my beautiful beloved sisters. I could not list all your names today, but you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you to The Well Project for giving me all these amazing women as sisters.

Stronger Together we shall be!

I Love you All!


Headshot of Abosede Olotu and logo for A Girl Like Me.

Submitted by boseolotu

Thank you Krista, it all of you my dearest beloved Sister's that gave me that super strength and courage.
I am grateful that The Well Project brought all together.
Thanks and love you too.

Submitted by JoDha

Hello Bose,

REX is a big name here in India. And Karmaveer Award is the biggest recognition. 

It comes in 4 stages - Bronze, Silver, Gold and then a big feliciation. My work in HIV field and community was recognised by REX and I was awarded all three "chakra" in the gap of 2 years each. The recognition opened up the platform for me where I was approached to do community programs, attend corporate talk shows, even honoured as a speaker at the prestigious TEDx and so on. 

The motto of Rex is "Right every wrong". Where there is stigma, try to erase it. Where there is discrimination, try to shed light on it via proper knowledge. Where there is hate, try to eliminate it. Where there is crime, try to talk about it - all because silence kills. Silence has killed many people living with HIV and thanks to REX opportunity, I got to advocate far and wide, in every length and breath of the country.

Your time to shine has come.

Heartiest congratulations.

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